Can 20 Pitbull Dogs Survive a Week in the African Savannah?

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The title translated into English is: “Releasing 20 Pitbull Dogs into the African Savannah: Can They Survive a Week?”

The act of releasing 20 pitbulls into the African savannah and whether they can survive for a week is a complex question that depends on numerous factors. However, in the past, this has happened, and they only managed to survive for 5 days.

In 1932, the famous British “animal trainer” Drake introduced 50 pitbulls into the grasslands of Africa with the intention for them to fight, adapt to the wild environment, and evolve into a new breed of dog.

However, the outcome was a huge disappointment for him, as the pitbulls, which were originally fearless, perished within just 5 days.

In the past, Pitbull dogs were released into the African savannah, but they only survived for 5 days before perishing.

The Pitbull, also known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, originated in the 19th century and was bred as fighting dogs. They are renowned for their high determination and refusal to give up in a fight, earning them the title “King of the Pit.”

Pitbulls may not be as easily trainable or intelligent as some other breeds, but they are incredibly brave and “bloodthirsty.” In combat, they quickly produce large amounts of adrenaline, making them insensitive to pain (or more accurately, their pain tolerance in combat is significantly higher than other dog breeds). Thus, their endurance is remarkable, and they can fight continuously for over 100 minutes.

However, Pitbulls have a strong desire to attack. Sometimes, even their owners can be victims of their aggression, especially inexperienced ones. As a result, many large cities around the world have placed Pitbulls on lists of banned breeds for ownership within the city.

Pitbulls have a strong desire to attack.

Pitbulls are a breed of dog bred for fighting. Their fighting skills and strength are superior, and they are very aggressive in combat. It’s not an exaggeration to say that a giant pitbull could kill a 100 kg sheepdog within 10 minutes.

Because of the incredible biting force of a pitbull, it can exert a force of 80 kg with just one bite, and it can tear human skin with just a snap. Generally, a bulldog would start to lose stamina after 5 minutes of fighting, but for a pitbull, 5 minutes is just the beginning of a battle.

The body of a pitbull is also very robust. Their entire body is composed of muscles with very little fat, making them fast and their attacks very powerful. Moreover, Pitbulls have very strong defensive capabilities, with bones that are 3-5 times harder than those of other breeds.

The climate of Africa also makes it difficult for Pitbulls to adapt.

We all know that Africa is a paradise for wild animals, but for Pitbulls, Africa is like a “hell,” a place even more terrifying than a battlefield because Africa is home to many large carnivorous animals. For example, lions, hyenas, and leopards are all very powerful predators. Sometimes, they even dare to attack rhinos and crocodiles to fill their stomachs.

Although Pitbulls are skilled fighters, their size is too small compared to these wild animals. The average body length of Pitbulls is just over 60cm, and their weight is usually under 50kg. This size cannot be compared to the animals in Africa.

In addition to predators, Africa is also home to many large herbivorous animals with aggressive behavior, such as elephants, hippos, and African buffaloes, especially African buffaloes, which are very numerous and have a strong tendency to attack. Even hyenas weighing from 50-70kg dare not provoke these herbivorous animals.

The size of Pitbulls is too small compared to the large wild animals in Africa.

Furthermore, Pitbulls have a very aggressive nature and a strong territorial instinct. They will attack any approaching animals without permission. However, with their size and biting force, they are unlikely to cause fatal harm to animals hundreds of kilograms heavier than them.

It can be imagined that if a Pitbull were released to live in Africa, it would become prey for lions and hyenas, or be killed by large herbivorous animals, and it would be difficult for it to survive for more than a week.

In addition to ferocious animals, Africa is also home to many deadly creatures, such as the black mamba snake. They are the deadliest and most potent snake species in African grasslands, even lions dare not provoke them.

There is also a terrifying ant species in Africa called the African red fire ant. They are entirely red and only 3 cm in size. However, their bites cause painful swelling and inflammation, which can lead to secondary infections.

Plant species in Africa are also very dangerous, such as the African bull thorn tree. They have very sharp thorns and seeds containing many toxic substances. If a Pitbull mistakenly eats them, it will die instantly.

Moreover, the climate of Africa makes it difficult for Pitbulls to adapt. Most areas in Africa are hot and dry year-round, with distinct dry seasons, making it challenging for Pitbulls, a breed bred and raised by humans, to adapt to the wild natural environment.

Even if those dangers don’t kill them outright, they would still likely starve to death gradually.

Whether Pitbulls can find water in Africa is also a significant concern. They do not have the same methods for finding water as local wildlife, and even if they are lucky enough to find water, there could be crocodiles waiting for them there.

Most frighteningly, the harsh environment in Africa also breeds many deadly viruses. Once infected, they would slowly succumb to the disease.

Furthermore, Pitbulls have no sense of teamwork. They will not follow the orders of an alpha, and in fact, they may even turn on each other before being killed by wild animals or the natural environment of Africa.

Additionally, Pitbulls’ hunting abilities are also very poor. Their speed cannot catch up with antelopes, and they can only keep up with elephants and rhinos. However, Pitbulls cannot hunt such animals, even when fighting as a group. Therefore, if those dangers don’t kill them, they would still slowly starve to death.