What color is Tom Cat really: Blue or Gray?

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“Tom & Jerry” is a timeless animated series that first aired in 1940 and can still be enjoyed today through various incarnations.

The true fur color of Tom Cat in Tom and Jerry is not entirely gray or blue but a combination of both. According to the official description from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Tom is a short-haired cat with grayish-blue fur. However, throughout the long history of the Tom and Jerry cartoon, Tom’s color may vary slightly depending on the era and the animators.

In the 1940 version, Tom is a cat with predominantly grayish-blue fur, giving him a rather melancholic appearance. Initially, Tom was named “Jasper” (inspired by the character Jasper in William Hanna and Joseph Barbera’s 1937 animated short “Puss Gets the Boot”). However, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer felt that this name wasn’t catchy enough, so eventually, they decided to change the cat’s name to “Tom” after a vote.

In 1942, Tom’s appearance underwent its first alteration with some adjustments to the color palette. Additionally, the overall look was less goofy compared to the initial version, and the overall sense of melancholy was also less pronounced.

In 1944, Tom’s appearance underwent its third adjustment, with the colors becoming richer compared to 1942. However, the overall color scheme remained gray but shifted from light gray to a darker shade with more green tones. Additionally, the four claws also underwent changes, with the hands and feet becoming much whiter compared to 1942.

In 1950, Tom was changed back to a gray color, similar to 1942, but slightly darker than in 1942. The overall image looked more sleek, engaging, and menacing.

Since 1955, Tom’s predominant color gradually became navy blue. This period marked the beginning of Tom’s color transformation, and his overall image became softer and more obedient.

In 1958, Tom completely transformed into a blue cat. Prior to that, “Tom and Jerry” had faced a crisis and were forced to dissolve.

In 1961, Tom transitioned directly from dark blue to a livelier light blue. During this period, MGM rediscovered the commercial value of Tom and Jerry and rebooted the animation department, appointing Gene Deitch as the lead animator for the cartoon. From 1961 to 1962, they produced 13 “Tom and Jerry” cartoons. During this time, Rembrandt Films in Eastern Europe, led by Jean Deitch, took charge.

In 1963, Tom’s image underwent a significant change when Chuck Jones from Warner Bros. came to MGM as the producer of “Tom and Jerry”. Tom’s eyebrows were thickened to convey fierceness, and his tail also became larger and turned gray.

In 1975, Tom’s image was changed to that of a taller and larger cat, with a lighter gray color, but he still had a large tail that often caused trouble. Therefore, in the storyline, Tom would often be plagued by his own body. During this period, it was mainly produced by Hanna-Barbera Studios.

In 1980, Tom’s image underwent a direct change to a blackish-gray color, which at first glance could be mistaken for Butch, a homeless cat with entirely black fur. However, this change could be considered a relatively significant alteration.

In 1990, “Tom and Jerry” were produced by Filmation Studios. Tom’s character underwent a direct transformation from a fierce adult cat to a cute and small kitten.

In 1992, due to the dissatisfaction of old fans with the mini version of Tom, Tom’s image finally returned to its original direction and was changed back to that of an adult navy blue cat.

In 2006, Warner Bros took over the production of “Tom and Jerry” and created a modern version of the series, which also led to another change in the characters of Tom and Jerry.

In 2014, Tom’s image underwent a relatively minor change, and this portrayal has remained unchanged to this day. Although the changes were not significant, the quality of the image and details were adjusted, including eyebrows, eyes, etc. This could be considered a relatively successful adjustment.

Interesting secrets about Tom cat in “Tom and Jerry”

  1. Real Name and Origin
    Tom was initially named “Jasper” in his first appearance in 1940. Later, his name was changed to “Tom” to better suit the character’s image. Tom was inspired by the cartoonist William Hanna’s own house cat.
  2. “Superhuman” Abilities
    Tom possesses numerous extraordinary abilities beyond those of an ordinary cat, such as lightning-fast speed, enduring significant blows, and flexible body transformations. These abilities are often humorously portrayed in perilous situations or when Tom attempts to catch Jerry.
  3. Relationship with Jerry
    Despite constant conflict, Tom and Jerry sometimes demonstrate care and assistance towards each other. This is particularly evident in some episodes, especially when they face a common enemy or encounter difficulties together.
  4. Companion Characters
    Tom and Jerry have several other companion characters in the cartoon series, including Spike the dog, Daffy the duck, Nibbles the mouse, and others. Each character brings its own humorous and intriguing elements to the episodes.
  5. Awards and Recognition
    Tom and Jerry are one of the most successful cartoon series of all time, having received 13 Oscars and numerous other prestigious awards. The series has been translated into over 160 languages and broadcasted in nearly every country worldwide.