Top 12 Startling Creatures Seen

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Ugly Posture, Fierce Faces, Sharp Teeth… These Creatures Startle Viewers at First Sight

1. Huntsman Spider

The Huntsman Spider ranges from Australia and Africa to Asia, the Americas, and the Mediterranean. They can reach sizes of up to 12cm, with an impressive leg span of up to 27cm. Unlike many other spider species, Huntsman Spiders do not use webs to trap prey. Instead, they rely on their bodies to attack when they encounter suitable prey.

2. Goblin Shark

The Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is a rare and enigmatic species, sometimes referred to as the “living fossil”, and it’s the only extant representative of the Mitsukurinidae family—a lineage dating back approximately 125 million years. This species has pinkish skin and a distinctive appearance, characterized by a long, flattened snout and protruding jaws with claw-like teeth. Goblin sharks typically measure between 3 to 4 meters in length when fully grown, inhabiting continental slopes, submarine canyons, and underwater mountains worldwide at depths exceeding 100 meters.

3. Promachoteuthis Sulcus

The Promachoteuthis sulcus, a rare species, is typically found in the icy depths of the Antarctic. This creature is relatively small, measuring only about 25cm in length, but it possesses a unique set of human-like rounded jaws, adorned with rows of sharp teeth. This distinctive feature sets it apart from other squid species.

4. Atlantic wolf fish

The Atlantic wolf fish is a close relative of the wolf fish, living in the North Atlantic Ocean. Their bodies have a natural antifreeze that helps keep blood flowing in their circulatory system in extremely cold environments.

5. Star-nosed mole

The star-nosed mole primarily inhabits the moist, lowland areas of North America. This species is renowned for its adept swimming abilities, being capable of hunting prey underwater. They have a varied diet, ranging from insects to worms, soft-bodied animals, and small fish. Additionally, they hold the title of the world’s fastest eater, able to chew and consume food in less than a quarter of a second.

6. Pacific lamprey

Pacific lampreys are native to Pacific waters, specifically from Alaska to California. This saltwater fish has a bizarre appearance with a mouth that resembles a suction cup used to cling to the host fish. They are likened to “vampires” because they feed by sucking the blood and body fluids of their host fish.

7. Hairless mouse

These wrinkled, hairless creatures, measuring 8 to 10cm long, hide under desert areas in East Africa. They are immune to cancer and can live up to 30 years, an astonishing age in the rodent world. They often live together in colonies of up to 300 individuals in complex and extensive tunnel systems.

8. Hairy Frog

The terrifying creature you’re describing lives in Central Africa. It’s an omnivorous species, feeding on insects, small creatures, and almost anything it can swallow.

9. Whip spider

The whip spider primarily feeds on insects and is not harmful to humans. They spin webs in warm areas, often within caves.

10. Butterfly-necked lizard

The frilled-neck lizard is found in Northern Australia and Southern New Guinea. They primarily feed on insects like cicadas. These intimidating-looking creatures have a large frill of skin around their necks, which they expand when threatened, displaying bright yellow or orange colors to intimidate predators. If this display fails to deter the threat, they resort to aggressive behavior, including tail whipping and hissing.

11. Queensland tube-nosed bat

The Queensland tube-nosed bat is a unique species native to the tropical forests of Australia and is harmless to humans. They primarily feed on fruits and play a crucial role in seed dispersal and the regeneration of tropical forests.

12. Northern stargazer

Northern stargazer or astroscopus guttatus, originating from the Atlantic Ocean, buries itself in the sand and surprises its prey with its eyes facing upward. They primarily feed on smaller fish and crustaceans. They are capable of generating electric shocks both for hunting and self-defense. They can reach up to 56cm in length and are among the most intimidating-looking species with their flattened bodies and peculiarly shaped heads.